Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Federal Policy Changes Due to September 11 essays

Federal Policy Changes Due to September 11 essays The terrorist attacks on New York and Washington D.C. illustrated how vulnerable our country really is to terrorist attacks. They also showed the lack of security and readiness in most of the nation's airports and places of entry. The Federal Government realized it must take a hard look at security policies, and create new policies to guide the nation through its' time of grieving and even fear. The government created the Homeland Security department, which is in charge of protecting the nation, as well as warning the nation of terrorism threats with their color-coded terrorism warning system. Green means the threat is lowest, and red means the threat is the highest. The Homeland Security department also created much stricter standards for inspecting airline passengers, and created the "USA PATRIOT Act," which in essence gives intelligence bureaus the right to spy and catch transmissions via phone, computer, and other areas if the agency feels they are a threat to national safety and well being. The PATRIOT Act is highly contentious because many people feel their citizens' rights are at stake. They feel the country is turning into "big brother," with far too much power and might over the people. One writer says, "It is widely held that one possessing power is potentially dangerous" (Stone, 2002). This seems to be the case with the Federal Government as the administration exercises its' control over the nation and the world. Another writer states, "We should avoid the temptation - a strong one, given the enduring emotional impact of the attacks in the United States - of telescoping all our resources, priorities, and thinking toward one worry" (Arthur, 2002). As the nation reflects on the terrorist attacks, the first and seemingly enduring reaction is to protect against more attacks while zeroing in on Al- Qaeda and other terrorist organizations around the world. This is ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

How the Railroads Introduced Time Zones

How the Railroads Introduced Time Zones Time  zones, a novel concept in the 1800s, were created by railroad officials who convened meetings in 1883 to deal with a major headache. It was becoming impossible to know what time it was. The underlying cause of confusion was simply that the United States had no time standard. Each town or city would keep its own solar time, setting clocks so noon was when the sun was directly overhead. That made perfect sense for anyone who never left town. But it became complicated for travelers. Noon in Boston would be a few minutes before noon in New York City. And Philadelphians experienced noon a few minutes after New Yorkers did. And on and on, across the nation. For railroads, which needed reliable timetables, this created a huge problem. Fifty-six standards of time are now employed by the various railroads of the country in preparing their schedules of running times, reported the front page of the New York Times on April 19, 1883. Something had to be done, and by the end of 1883 the United States, for the most part, was operating on four time zones. Within a few years, the entire world followed that example. So its fair to say the American railroads changed the way the entire planet told time. The Decision to Standardize Time The expansion of the railroads in the years following the Civil War only made the confusion over all the local time zones seem worse. Finally, in the spring of 1883, the leaders of the nations railroads sent representatives to a meeting of what was called the General Railroad Time Convention. On April 11, 1883, in St. Louis, Missouri, railroad officials agreed to create five time zones in North America: Provincial, Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific. The concept of standard time zones had actually been suggested by several professors going back to the early 1870s. At first, it was suggested that there be two time zones, set to when noon occurred in Washington, D.C.  and New Orleans. But that would create potential problems for people living in the West, so the idea eventually evolved into four time belts set to straddle the 75th, 90th, 105th, and 115th meridians. On October 11, 1883, the General Railroad Time Convention met again in Chicago. And it was formally decided that the new standard of time would take effect a little more than a month later, on Sunday, November 18, 1883. As the date for the big change approached, newspapers published numerous articles explaining how the process would work. The shift only amounted to a few minutes for many people. In New York City, for instance, the clocks would be turned back four minutes. Going forward, noon in New York would occur at the same moment as noon in Boston, Philadelphia, and other cities in the East. In many towns and cities, jewelers used the event to drum up business by offering to set watches to the new time standard. And though the new time standard was not sanctioned by the federal government, the Naval Observatory in Washington offered to send, by telegraph, a new time signal so people could synchronize their watches. Resistance to Standard Time It seems most people had no objection to the new time standard, and it was widely accepted as a sign of progress. Travelers on the railroads, in particular, appreciated it. An article in the New York Times on November 16, 1883, noted, The passenger from Portland, Me., to Charleston, S.C., or from Chicago to New Orleans, can make the entire run without changing his watch. As the time change was instituted by the railroads, and voluntarily accepted by many towns and cities, some incidents of confusion appeared in newspapers. A report in the Philadelphia Inquirer on November 21, 1883, described an incident where a debtor had been ordered  to report to a Boston courtroom at 9:00 on the previous morning. The newspaper story concluded: According to custom, the poor debtor is allowed one hours grace. He appeared before the commissioner at 9:48 oclock, standard time, but the commissioner ruled that it was after ten oclock and defaulted him. The case will probably be brought before the Supreme Court. Incidents like that demonstrated the need for everyone to adopt the new standard time. However, in some places, there was lingering resistance. An item in the New York Times the following summer, on June 28, 1884, detailed how the city of Louisville, Kentucky, had given up on standard time. Louisville set all its clocks ahead 18 minutes to return to solar time. The problem in Louisville was that while the banks adapted to the time standard of the railroad, other businesses did not. So there was persistent confusion about when business hours actually ended each day. Of course, throughout  the 1880s  most businesses saw the value of moving permanently to standard time. By the 1890s standard time and time zones were accepted as ordinary. Time Zones Went Worldwide Britain and France had each adopted national time standards decades earlier, but as they were smaller countries, there was no need for more than one time zone. The successful adoption of standard time in the United States in 1883 set an example of how time zones could spread across the globe. The following year a time convention in Paris began the work of designating  time zones worldwide. Eventually, the time zones around the globe we know today came into use. The United States government made the time zones official by passing the Standard Time Act in 1918. Today, most people simply take time zones for granted and have no idea that time zones were actually a solution devised by the railroads.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Loving Through Understanding and Finding Peace in Peace, Love & Essay

Loving Through Understanding and Finding Peace in Peace, Love & Misunderstanding - Essay Example Diane brings her children, Zoe (Elizabeth Olsen) and Jake (Nat Wolff) with her. Diane surprises her mother, whom she has alienated for twenty years. What is supposed to be a weekend, where Diane only wanted space from her husband and their divorce, became a full week of awakening for all characters. Diane resolves her conflicts her with her children, her mother, and with herself, by understanding that they are all human beings, and by accepting that they all have weaknesses, she can stop judging them and herself and begin loving with peace. Diane is detached from her children, which creates a barrier between them because she misunderstands their maturity and needs. When she brings them to her mother’s house, her children are asking about the reasons. Jake even jokes that their grandmother is dead since they have not seen her since birth and suddenly they have to meet her. Diane finally drops the bad news that she and Mark are having a divorce. Zoe wants to talk about it, but D iane does not say anything anymore. When Zoe asks, â€Å"Are we going to talk about this,† Diane does not answer and prepares to go in the house. With her back on Zoe, the scene indicates detachment from her children’s concerns. Instead of being open to her children, Diane creates a wall between them without even being aware of it. As a result, Zoe and Jake hardly understand what their mother is going through because they do not even know who she is. The conflict between Diane and her kids arises from her treatment of them as children, instead of as adolescents who are already mature enough to know the truth and to know how to cope with their family issues. The irony is that she is doing to her kids, what her mother did to her- to separate herself from her children because of the feeling that they cannot understand their parent’s concerns and needs.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Greece Economic Crisis of 2011 and its Prospects in the EU as its Essay

Greece Economic Crisis of 2011 and its Prospects in the EU as its Member - Essay Example 306). The deficit stood at 12.8 percent of GDP instead of 3.6 percent of GDP (Akram et al. 307). Inflation also was higher than the EU average (Xafa). Greece also accumulated a large current account deficit. Consumers demanded foreign goods, which resulted in a current account deficit of $51.5 billion in 2008 (Akram et al. 309). Private debt as a result accumulated too. By the end of 2009, Greece was downgraded by most rating agencies. According to Akram et al., â€Å"in October 2009, Fitch had down shifted the Greek credibility to A- and further degraded to BBB+ by the end of December 2009. Standards & Poor’s and Moody also downgraded the Greece on the same grounds† (306). The prognosis by many was that Greece needed to leave the Euro zone (Akram et al. 306). Some even recommended that the Euro Zone should be partitioned on a north – south basis (Akram et al. 306). The trust of investors was destroyed. The government failed to impose reforms. Administration also failed to properly assess the situation in Greece prior to 2009 (Akram et al. 308). Corruption levels were high too, which placed Greece at the bottom of South Europe (Akram et al. 308). Tax evasion stood at 30 percent of GDP (Akram et al. 308). Instead of flowing into government pockets, and then being used to repay the debt, this money stayed in private hands. As a result, investors fled as Greece was downgraded. The Euro Zone was supposed to decrease exchange rate fluctuations of its member – countries. According to Mishkin, large exchange rate fluctuations damage the economy (319). They damage financial institutions and banks as fluctuations generate losses (Mishkin 319). A single, strong currency can decrease these fluctuations. The single currency is still overwhelmingly a...This paper is the best example of analysis of the economic crisis in Greece in 2011. The root causes of the crisis are identified, and possible ways of the crisis overcoming are presented. Prospect s of the EU as an integral organization are described Origins of the crisis lie in the Greek public debt. In the 1980’s and early 1990’s, interest payment on public debt comprised a large share of the state deficit). Until the end of the 1990’s, despite high levels of public debt, Greece had managed to maintain fiscal control and debt regulation, largely because of the EU membership and lower interest rates it had to pay on its debt. Greece was unable to finance its deficit without indebting itself, because of low levels of public saving since the 1980’s. As a result, most of the Greek public debt, 80 percent, ended up being owned by 2010 by foreign banks. Greece also accumulated a large current account deficit. Consumers demanded foreign goods, which resulted in a current account deficit of $51.5 billion in 2008. Private debt as a result accumulated too. By the end of 2009, Greece was downgraded by most rating agencies. The trust of investors was destroyed. The government failed to impose reforms. Administration also failed to properly assess the situation in Greece prior to 2009). Corruption levels were high too. Tax evasion stood at 30 percent of GDP. Politically, an exit by Greece could imply a disaster. The EU would not be viewed as a strong union. Investors might view it unfavorably as well, since failure to keep Greece could be viewed as a forecast for future crises among the EU members. Moreover, if Greece exits and is bailed out at a lower interest rate, other countries would find it profitable to leave as well.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Publix Supermarkets Essay Example for Free

Publix Supermarkets Essay The factors that are currently involved in successfully competing in the supermarket industry are the same factors that have led to the success of Publix supermarkets. These factors include delivering superior customer value, caring for people, and delivering quality products and service. Publix has gone a step further and developed four success drivers for the company; knowing the business, knowing the product, knowing the customer, and continuously training people. Due to the fact that customers are more knowledgeable and demanding than ever before, change is constant throughout the supermarket industry. As a result, to remain competitive for the next 10 years and beyond, knowing what customers need and being able to meet those needs is be critical. For example, as the population becomes more diverse, there will be a greater demand for various ethnic food products. Similarly, as health and nutrition become more of a national focus, there will be a greater demand for high quality foods that are rich in nutrition, as well as organic products, etc. In addition, technology such as self checkout stations in supermarkets and online shopping capability will continue to change the landscape of the supermarket industry. What are the values of Publix’s organizational culture; employees; customers; shareholders; suppliers; and competitors? Which ones do you consider to be value adders and which do you see as value destroyers as Publix attempts to become the premier quality food retailer in America? Publix has a corporate culture founded on the philosophy of deeply caring for people. Publix employees understand that they are not only in the grocery business, but also in the people business. As a result, taking care of associates, customers, suppliers, and others in the community is a priority. The result of Publix employees continue to please their customers, more customers look to Publix for their shopping needs. At the same time, employees and associates are made to feel valuable through recognition programs, extensive training programs, etc. Publix believes that their employees will not have the ability to make customers happy if they are not happy themselves. By investing in their employees, Publix has created a culture of loyalty, pride, and job satisfaction. By making a commitment to people and creating lasting relationships with employees, customers, suppliers, and the community, Publix has positioned itself as an industry leader. This philosophy and corporate culture play a large role in the success of the company and can only be considered as value adders, not value destroyers. What factors are currently influencing a customer’s decision to shop at Publix? Why have competitors been unable to duplicate such success factors successfully? Publix’s mission statement very clearly states that Publix is passionately focused on customer value. Essentially, the company is just committed to satisfying the needs of its customers better than its competitors. While the competition is able to offer good prices and quality products, Publix stands out in the minds of its customers for providing delightful customer service in every shopping experience. There is no doubt that Publix needs to maintain competitive prices and quality products in order to be successful. However, these are easily duplicated. On the other hand, providing a delightful customer experience comes from the culture of an organization committed to creating superior value. This is what sets Publix apart from its competitors. Analyze how PublixDirect’s processes were used to add value. In hindsight, what should the company have done differently to keep PublixDirect a viable business model? PublixDirect’s business model sought to add value by utilizing a centralized direct fill fulfillment approach. In addition, PublixDirect was limited to a 35-mile radius in South Florida. The company utilized a 140,000 square foot distribution center divided into separate departments, and operated its own bakery dedicated to the online venture. The company utilized the latest technology for order taking and fulfillment, outbound logistics, and payment. PublixDirect was founded on the same philosophy as Publix supermarkets with the goal of delivering superior customer value. The goal was to offer customers a convenient alternative to traditional grocery shopping with prices similar to that of local supermarkets while offering superior product quality and customer service. Unfortunately, PublixDirect was unable to sustain operations. Initially, the business model appeared as though it would be successful, but that proved not to be the case. In hindsight, the company should have done more extensive research about its potential customers, and done more to attract the type of consumers originally targeted which were dual income households with incomes exceeding $75,000. What were the factors that led to the demise of PublixDirect? What does it take to create a successful online operation in the United States? High delivery costs, distribution center costs, and low customer demand were all factors that contributed to the demise of the PublixDirect operation. To date, none of the various online gorecery operations I ntroduced in the United states have been able to turn a profit, and therefore none have been able to sustain operation long term. However, the primary problem seems to be the inability to turn profits due to the high costs associated with distribution centers. In order to create a successful online grocery operation here I n the United States, it would be best to follow the same model that U. K. based Tesco has successfully implemented. Rather than utilize distribution centers for order fulfillment, Tesco uses a â€Å"store-pick† model in which orders placed online are simply picked from store shelves. Delivery costs are added to the cost of the groceries. This model has proven to be successful in the United Kingdom and could very well be successfully implemented here in the United States as well. The warehouse/distribution center model has the potential to be cheaper long-term, but the large up-front costs have proven to be enough to put several online grocers out of business before they were able to turn profits.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Against Making Flag Burning Illegal Essay -- Patriotism Freedom essays

Flag Burning There is a great travesty going on in America right now. Everyday, people are fighting to stop one of America’s greatest freedoms, the freedom of speech. Even this way of exercising America’s greatest amendment, freedom of speech, is not liked by all people it is still protected under our nation’s law. The act of publicly burning an American flag is something that is deemed disgraceful by many Americans, but it should not be outlawed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many people are offended by the act of publicly burning an American flag and feel it should be outlawed based on the fact that it is offensive to the citizens of this country. Although this may be true, people still have the right to protest. This was upheld in a Supreme Court case Texas v. Johnson, where the defendant Mr. Johnson was arrested for publicly burning a flag outside the Republican National Convention in Dallas, Texas. After being arrested Mr. Johnson was convicted of setting fire to a flag during a protest and chanting with other protesters; â€Å"America, the red, white, and blue, we spit on you†(Texas v. Johnson). He appealed his claim to the Texas Supreme Court of Appeals where they overturned the conviction based on the fact that he was exercising his first amendment right. One of the Supreme Court justices went on to say, â€Å"If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that the government may not prohibit the e xpression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive o... Against Making Flag Burning Illegal Essay -- Patriotism Freedom essays Flag Burning There is a great travesty going on in America right now. Everyday, people are fighting to stop one of America’s greatest freedoms, the freedom of speech. Even this way of exercising America’s greatest amendment, freedom of speech, is not liked by all people it is still protected under our nation’s law. The act of publicly burning an American flag is something that is deemed disgraceful by many Americans, but it should not be outlawed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many people are offended by the act of publicly burning an American flag and feel it should be outlawed based on the fact that it is offensive to the citizens of this country. Although this may be true, people still have the right to protest. This was upheld in a Supreme Court case Texas v. Johnson, where the defendant Mr. Johnson was arrested for publicly burning a flag outside the Republican National Convention in Dallas, Texas. After being arrested Mr. Johnson was convicted of setting fire to a flag during a protest and chanting with other protesters; â€Å"America, the red, white, and blue, we spit on you†(Texas v. Johnson). He appealed his claim to the Texas Supreme Court of Appeals where they overturned the conviction based on the fact that he was exercising his first amendment right. One of the Supreme Court justices went on to say, â€Å"If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that the government may not prohibit the e xpression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive o...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Sme Entry Mode Choice and Performance

Introduction International entry mode choice is considered a critical strategic decision. In an attempt to understand this choice, scholars have primarily focused on transaction cost theory Previous literature have failed to examine how the transactional cost model applies to smaller entrepreneurial firms. † Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are not smaller versions of larger companies, but mainly due to their size they tend to interact differently with their environment.The Authors could identify no studies of SME entry mode choice that have examined the three main causes of transaction costs: asset specificity, behavioral uncertainties, and environmental uncertainties. By examining the entry mode behavior of SMEs, they can determine whether they follow similar patterns as their larger counterparts and whether the strategic decision processes that influence success for larger companies have validity in smaller firms.In this article they hope to make two important contr ibutions to the SME international literature. First, by examining the applicability of transaction cost theory to SME inter- national entry mode choice, we hope to extend the generalizability of transaction cost theory for entry mode choice to this large and growing sector of the global economy Transactional costs and mode choices Transaction cost (TC) theory has been widely used in entry mode research to explain why large companies utilize different modes in expanding abroad.The existing literature suggests that companies adopt a certain organizational structure—markets (non-equity modes) versus hierarchies (equity modes)—when expanding abroad based on how efficient one structure is compared with the alternative structure. Transaction cost theory suggests that asset specificity, behavioral uncertainties, and environmental uncertainties create two main costs: market transaction costs and control costs Asset specificity Asset specificity refers to the physical and human resources, which may lose value in another use, that a company employs to complete a specific task.A firm that possesses unique technology and know-how has to take extra precautions (and incur additional costs) in order to protect its differentiated assets from falling into the hands of competitors. When asset specificity is low, firms will incur few costs in protecting their know-how from competitors. Low asset-specific investments involve the use of generally available knowledge; hence, firms are not concerned about protecting this knowledge from competitors, since competitors already have access to the knowledge.When asset specificity is low, firms tend to use market-based non-equity modes of entry. When asset specificity is high, firms are more concerned with protecting proprietary knowledge or technology from competitors. Hypothesis1: SMEs will tend to prefer non-equity modes of entry when assets specificity is low, but tend to prefer equity modes of entry when asset specifici ty is high. Behaviour uncertanty Transaction cost theory suggests firms face two types of uncertainty: behavioral and environmental.Behavioral uncertainties arise from the inability of a company to predict the behavior of individuals in a foreign country. According to transaction cost theory, behavioral uncertainty may lead to opportunistic behavior involving cheating, distortion of information, shirking of responsibility, and other forms of dishonest behavior. Internationalization theory suggests that firms develop skills at controlling international operations through experience.Through learning, firms develop expertise in managing foreign operations (either independent operations like license agreements or more complex operations like wholly owned subsidiaries). Firms lacking international control-related experience tend to prefer non-equity modes of entry, as a means of controlling the behavior-related uncertainties of foreign expansion. High behavioral uncertainties may discour age SMEs from organizing foreign operations in a hierarchical form Hypothesis 2: SMEs

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Peckham Library: A Case Study

Peckham Library. Case Study. Introduction. Peckham Library is a library and community edifice situated in Peckham, southeast London. Peckham Library opened to the populace on 8 March 2000, with an official gap by Mr. Chris Smith, secretary of State for civilization, media and athletics. The library was designed by Mr. Will Alsop from Alsop & A ; Stormer Company and it received the 2000 Stirling Award for architectural invention. It besides won the Civic Trust Award ( April 2002 ) for excellence in public architecture, along with the London Eye and Tate Modern and the Copper Cladding Award for it’s vivid Cu outside. The edifice looks like an upside-down capital missive ‘L’ , with the upper portion supported by thin steel pillars set at random angles. The edifice includes meeting suites, children’s countries and the library. There is besides an Afro-Caribbean subdivision which attracts many visitants. Peckham Library is one of the busiest and most visited libraries, with about half a million visitants a twelvemonth and over 245,000 issued points. The library was designed to be dramatic, to do people funny about what lies indoors and to dispute the traditional position of libraries as staid and serious environments. The building of the library cost 5 million lbs, including 1,25 million signifier Single Regeneration Budget plan. This plan besides covered the creative activity of new low-rise lodging //9 a mixture of owner-occupied and societal lodging ) , Peckham Pulse Healthy Living Center, Peckham Square and Peckham Arch. Peckham Library is considered to be one of the best 5 l ibraries, along with libraries in Zurich, Chicago, Copenhagen and Amsterdam. Southwark council, ( Peckham country council ) , tries to agitate off the violent image of the country with usher to draw in tourers, that is why constructing like Peckham Library were built.In the 1890ss, Southwark was the ssecond most disadvantaged council country in England, and Peckham was one of its worst countries. Housing was hapless, unemployment high and the GCSE base on balls rate was a 3rd of the national norm. The country used to hit the headlines for it’s less wholesome reputes as a hot spot for offense, or cheapjack public lodging. Roger Young, caput of the reclamation squad stated: â€Å"We don’t pretend that the topographic point is perfect, but what we are stating is that there is a batch traveling on here that people should come and see. What people hear about the country comes from flooring headlines, but we have some first material here. Peckham has a electrifying mixture of civilizations, history and architecture† . The undertaking was finished by 1998 and it formed a new inner-city place in London southeast territory of Peckham. Other well-known undertakings of Alsop and Stormer are the North Greenwich station in London and a ferry terminus in Hamburg. The end of this, ( Peckham Library ) edifice was to excite, pull and pull people’s attending so they would get down interweaving with the Library. The library clears at 9am and closes 8pm and includes 70 grownup reading infinites, free cyberspace entree, word processing installations and handicapped entree lavatories. There are many events during the hebdomad which pull local people to the library, such as 1 ) vocalizing Sessionss for kids every Monday 2 ) babe and yearling Sessionss every Tuesday 3 ) book nine Sessionss every Wednesday 4 ) prep aid bead in for kids every Wednesday 5 ) over 50s nine every first Friday of every month Peckham Library has become a really popular topographic point and has reduced the hooliganism around the country. Mr Alsop said in a inquiry: â€Å"If you build a semi-decent edifice, it will non pull vandalism† . Air. Air is the unseeable gaseous substance environing the Earth, a mixture chiefly of O and N. ( Picture of composing of air ) Air travels from countries of high force per unit area to low force per unit area. ( image of how the air moves in a room ) Peckham Library has 22 Windowss which are most of the times shut. The edifice has no air-conditioning, therefore it is of course ventilated. There is shadowing in many different countries around the edifice ; therefore the Sun visible radiation can non easy go through through.This sort of airing is named inactive chilling The concrete frame of the edifice, which is exposed to the soffit, besides helps with the airing, because cross airing occurs and helps the concrete in footings of the air temperature, which prevents heat from come ining the inside ( heat addition bar ) . The window panels, which are laminated with four different movie beds with different coloring material movie, are really utile themselves, because during winter they help to maintain the cold air off and the warm air to stay inside the edifice. However the Windowss can be easy opened, because a library is a topographic point with many people and it needs a certain sum of air so it won’t acquire smothering. The edifice has a radiation system on the walls and the floor, so the room gets a certain sum of warm air during winter clip. ( Diagram of the conditions in the UK ) Pulling figure 1. ( In the floor ) . Pulling figure 2. ( in the wall ) . Light. The Windowss in the ceiling and the Windowss on the sides of the edifice let a large sum of visible radiation to come indoors, but unreal visible radiation is besides used because there is non adequate visible radiation during winter clip or in the early forenoons and late eventides. During my first visit I’ve noticed that the visible radiations in the library were switched on and some of the bulbs which are set in the high ceiling were consecutive illuming the country. The visible radiation made the infinite more pleasant for the visitants and easier to read. Some visible radiations were more inside the ceiling and surrounded by a mirroring consequence, which helps the visible radiation to distribute across the room. This shows that Mr. Aslop was non trusting on natural lighting, as the edifice has 300 visible radiation bulbs. If the visible radiations in the library of all time needed to be changed, it would take four yearss for the work to be done. The closing angered Southwark council leader Stephanie Elsy stated: â€Å"This is merely non acceptable and we ca n't let it to go on again† she said. â€Å"It ‘s quite unbelievable that it has to be closed to make everyday care work. I ca n't believe this is the lone approach† . ( Light around my edifice ) Pulling figure 3. ( speedy drawing of the visible radiations in the 4th floor of the edifice ) ( Pulling of the Windowss on the left side of the Peckham Library edifice ) ( Free manus drawing of how the visible radiation comes in the flat four of the edifice ) Land. Land is the solid surface of the Earth. Earth is made out of many things. Deep inside Earth, near its centre, lays Earth ‘s nucleus, which is largely made up of Ni and Fe. Above the nucleus is Earth ‘s mantle, which is made out of stone that contains Si, Fe, Mg, aluminum, O and other minerals. The bouldery surface bed of Earth, called the crust, is made out of O, Si, aluminum, Fe, Ca, Na, K and Mg. Earth ‘s surface is chiefly covered with liquid H2O and the ambiance is chiefly nitrogen and O, with smaller sums of C dioxide, H2O vapour and other gases. Land is really of import to the procedure of constructing a edifice. Before the planning of a edifice, designers and contrivers are being asked to mensurate out the site and to turn up the piping and electricity. It is besides known that if person wants to cognize about what type of land has an country, he has to look at the old houses at the peculiar country. In old old ages builders used stuffs that were easy found around the country they were construct the house. Peckham Library on the other manus, is modern and futuristic and at first glimpse, it doesn’t look to be the same as the edifices around it. It is made out of concrete, metal, Cu and glass, while the edifices around are made out of bricks. The designer used these specific stuffs both to do it outstand and suit into the country at the same clip. ( Picture of earth’s stuffs ) All the stuffs that are used to construct a edifice semen from Earth. Peckham library is made out of: 1 ) Copper cladding steel [ used on the bulk of the outside ( South, East, West and roof ) ] . ( Picture of Cu on its first signifier ) ( Copper at Peckham Library ) 2 ) Glass ( both field and fluorescent, used for Windowss and doors ) . ( Picture of glass at Peckham Library ) ( Pulling of the Indian Sandstone Paving outside Peckham Library, at the front side ) 3 ) Metallic element ( used for the shells and the back uping columns on the Plaza ) . ( Picture of the back uping columns ) A important part of the constructions exterior is covered in Cu steel. Traditionally copper steel is being used chiefly for pipes ; nevertheless the Cu supplied by TECU, a German fabrication company, is used in an unconventional mode in Peckham Library. Alsop’s design required a stuff that would be cheerful but challenging hence TECU ®-Patina supplied the green horizontal sheet cladding which has a really typical visual aspect. By utilizing sheet stuff, Alsop was able to hold the stuff cut in to linear signifiers which produce ‘seams’ . These ‘seams’ run down the frontage which draws attending to the slanted steel supports. The steel mesh which protects the glass is slightly unexpected because there is no demand for protection of the glass although criminalism in Peckham country is really high. The steel mesh is a Sambesi450 merchandise which is made from unstained wire overseas telegrams and rods which are an norm of 7mm midst and weigh approx. 11.2 kg/ m? . Steel is besides used in the slanted rods which support the overhang. Even though I believe that these stuffs where chosen to do the construction lively, playful and absorbing, chiefly because Mr Aslop wanted to pull and pull peoples’ attending so they would get down interweaving with the Library, I besides believe that the stuffs used were intended to stand the trial of clip and survive Acts of the Apostless of hooliganism and inauspicious conditions conditions in Peckham country. Water. Water is a colourless, transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the footing of the fluids of life beings. Information about the H2O and the pipes in Peckham library edifice could non be found, as the people in the library stated that such information is confidential. Alternatively, I found the program of flat four of the edifice and searched for the lavatories. This is where the pipes are more likely to be. The H2O in Peckham Library is black H2O, which means that it is used merely in the sanitation system of the edifice, as the library does non supply other countries that H2O is needed. ( Plan of degree five that illustrates where the lavatories situated in the edifice ) Energy. Energy is the power derived from the use of physical or chemical resources, particularly to supply visible radiation and heat or to work machines. â€Å"Energy can non be created nor destroyed within a system† . Energy can be used for transit, or the industry, or for residential and commercial grounds. There are plentifulness of energy types: 1 ) Oil 2 ) Nuclear 3 ) Solar 4 ) Wind power 5 ) Geothermal 6 ) Hydropower 7 ) Fuelwood 8 ) Coal 9 ) Natural gas ( Picture of fuel ingestion ) Peckham Library has heat demand of 369. ( This information was received from DeMAP ) First the window facade of the edifice is made out of Vanceva Interlayer Colours Windowss. They are made out of different colored beds assembled between beds of clear glass. Therefore when the heat approaches the glass it is redirected back into its environment, which means it provides a good thermic insularity. Second the Cu, which the edifice is made from, is by and large considered to be a good sender of heat, this suggests that the edifice is good stray, nevertheless non all heat is kept in ; some of it is released back to the ambiance. The window frontage is made out of four beds, hence as the heat approaches the glass it is redirected back into its environment, that means it provides a good thermic insularity. Energy within the edifice is used in the signifier of electricity. It is used chiefly for illuming, but for the machines as good ( computing machines, lifts, warmers, run offing machine and automatic doors ) . The energy comes from a generator, which is situated at the back side of the edifice. ( Energy beginnings in a modern edifice ) Recycle. Recycling is a procedure to alter stuffs ( waste ) , into new merchandises to forestall waste of potentially utile stuffs, cut down the ingestion of fresh natural stuffs, cut down energy use, cut down air pollution ( from incineration ) and H2O pollution ( from landfilling ) by cut downing the demand for â€Å" conventional † waste disposal, and lower nursery gas emanations as compared to plastic production. In architecture, recycling chiefly means the reuse of energy, but it can besides intend the reuse stuffs, such as glass bottles can be used to do a wall, or coins can be used for doing floorings. Peckham Library has one recycle bin and one general waste bin on the 4th floor. It doesn’t seem to actuate people to recycle, even though the room has some postings about recycling. There are besides general waste bins and recycle bins at the plaza country. When I visited the library, the flood lamps were on, even during the twenty-four hours. Ironically Southwark Council has published suggestions for low cost ways to be green yet the big cantilever makes the infinite below devoid of sunshine, even on cheery yearss. Harmonizing to a web log reexamining sustainable edifices, the inundation visible radiations cost an estimated ?4,800 a twelvemonth in energy costs. ( Picture of bins on the left side of the library ) Synthesis. Synthesis is the combination of constituents or elements to organize a affiliated whole. The construction of the edifice is a synthesis of two rectangles. Mr Alsop wanted to do something that is attention-getting and really hard to lose. The most obvious structural characteristic of the edifice is the big overhang which is supported by thin, slanted metal columns. From the exterior it appears that the library floor is balanced 12m in the air by the poles and the remainder of the edifice is steadfastly grounded. ( Picture of the combination of the forms of the edifice ) The construction on the interior of the Library is instead interesting. It seems that there are three smaller edifice inside the edifice, in which you can acquire inside and read. ( Picture of programs and lift of the edifice ) The stairway at the dorsum of the edifice is really unusual ; it is made out of concrete, metal and glass. The glass is placed in the center of the stairss so it allows the visible radiation through the whole back portion of the edifice. ( Picture of the synthesis of the stepss ) What I would change/add. If I had a pick to alter something in the edifice I would add a little coffeehouse at one of the three cods or at the roof. I believe that it would be a good thought and that it would pull even more people than it does now. Peoples would hold the opportunity to loosen up and bask a cup of java or tea while they read or relax. Decision. Peckham Library is a public edifice that attracts many people and gives a opportunity to larn about different civilizations and civilizations. This undertaking managed to convey a positive promotion to the country and attract people to come and see it. That has a positive affect non merely at the economic state of affairs of the country, but at the cultural every bit good. Peoples exchange sentiments, learn from each other fitting new people and they broaden their skylines. Beginnings: Voyager Magazine, Archello, KME, The Guardian, Building.co.uk, Website: Southwark Council, Website Physics, User Peckham2 on tumblr, Wikipedia, Website: Recyclart, Website: Coevals of Energy-Efficient Patio Houses With GENE_ARCH, Peckham’s Library file about the library, DeMAP, pictures from Google,

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Phosphorus essays

Phosphorus essays The element that is featured in this report is phosphorus. Phosphorus is a chemical element that human beings, animals, and plants need for normal growth. The main use of phosphorus is fertilizer. It was difficult to find a lot of different information on this element. Phosphorus is a nonmetallic chemical element that can exist in several different forms. The chemical symbol for phosphorus is P, its atomic number is 15, and its atomic weight is 30.975. Phosphorus was first prepared by the German alchemist Hennig Brandt in 1669; in the course of his search for the philosophers stone he obtained from a residue of evaporated urine a white solid that glowed in the dark and ignited spontaneously in the air. The name phosphorus is Greek for light-bringing. The name at that time was used for any substance that glows of itself, and was eventually given to this element. Phosphorus does not occur in elemental form in nature; it is found most commonly in apatite minerals such as fluorapatite. Their are at least ten forms of the element that are known, occurring within red, white, and black phosphorus categories or as mixtures of them. White phosphorus consists of molecular P(4) and can exist in an alpha form, which is stable at room temperature, and a beta form, stable below -78 deg C. White phosphorus is a waxlike substance, very toxic and extremely flammable. When it is exposed to air in the dark, it emits a greenish light and gives off white fumes. It can ignite spontaneously. Red phosphorus is a more stable form than white. Red phosphorus is a brownish-red powder and it can be obtained by heating white phosphorus to 250 deg C in a closed vessel or exposing white phosphorus to sunlight Red phosphorus is often considered a mixture of white and black phosphorus. It neither phosphoresces nor spontaneously burns in air. Red phosphorus should be handled carefully at certain temperatures because it can ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Review of Sylvia Plaths Novel The Bell Jar

Review of Sylvia Plath's Novel 'The Bell Jar' Written in the early 1960s, and Sylvia Plaths only full-length prose work, The Bell Jar is an autobiographical novel that relates the childhood longings and descent into madness of Plaths alter-ego, Esther Greenwood. Plath was so concerned about the closeness of her novel to her life that she published it under a pseudonym, Victoria Lucas (just as in the novel Esther plans to publish a novel of her life under a different name). It only appeared under Plaths real name in 1966, three years after she committed suicide. Plot The story relates a year in the life of Esther Greenwood, who seems to have a rosy future in front of her. Having won a competition to guest edit a magazine, she travels to New York. She worries about the fact that she is still a virgin and her encounters with men in New York go badly awry. Esthers time in the city heralds the start of a mental breakdown as she slowly loses interest in all the hopes and dreams. Dropping out of college and staying listlessly at home, her parents decide that something is wrong and take her to a psychiatrist, who refers her to a unit that specializes in shock therapy. Esthers condition spirals even further downwards due to inhumane treatment in the hospital. She finally decides to commit suicide. Her attempt fails, and a rich older lady who was a fan of Esthers writing agrees to pay for treatment in a center that does not believe in shock therapy as a method for treating the ill. Esther slowly starts her road to recovery, but a friend she has made at the hospital isnt so lucky. Joan, a lesbian who had, unbeknownst to Esther, fallen in love with her, commits suicide after her release from the hospital. Esther decides to take control of her life and is once more determined to go to college. However, she knows that the dangerous illness that put her life at risk could strike again at any time. Themes Perhaps the single greatest achievement of Plaths novel is its outright commitment to truthfulness. Despite the fact that the novel has all the power and control of Plaths best poetry, it does not skew or transform her experiences in order to make her illness more or less dramatic. The Bell Jar takes the reader inside the experience of severe mental illness like very few books before or since. When Esther considers suicide, she looks into the mirror and manages to see herself as a completely separate person. She feels disconnected from the world and from herself. Plath refers to these feelings as being trapped inside the bell jar as a symbol for her feelings of alienation. The feeling becomes so strong at one point that she stops functioning, at one point she even refuses to bathe. The bell jar also steals away her happiness. Plath is very careful not to see her illness as the manifestation of outside events. If anything, her dissatisfaction with her life is a manifestation of her illness. Equally, the end of the novel does not pose any easy answers. Esther understands that she is not cured. In fact, she realizes that she might never be cured  and that she must always be vigilant against the danger that lies within her own mind. This danger befell Sylvia Plath, not very long after The Bell Jar was published. Plath committed suicide in her home in England. A Critical Study The prose which Plath uses in  The Bell Jar does not quite reach the poetic heights of her poetry, particularly her supreme collection Ariel, in which she investigates similar themes. However, this does not mean the novel is not without its own merits. Plath managed to instill a sense of powerful honesty and brevity of expression which anchors the novel to real life. When she chooses literary images to express her themes she cements these images in everyday life. For example, the book opens with an image of the Rosenbergs who were executed by electrocution, an image that is repeated when Esther receives electro-shock treatment. Really, The Bell Jar is a  stunning portrayal of a particular time in a persons life and a brave attempt by Sylvia Plath to face her own demons. The novel will be read for generations to come.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

CASE STUDY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

CASE STUDY - Essay Example Although the quotation given by him was $200,000 higher than what Frank wanted, they agreed to proceed with agreement pending negotiations (Crawford 2012 p.57). Early January the following year, Frank sent Jack from Boston to St. Paul in order to confer with the EMFs superintendent. Byers was identified as the final superintendent during the job, after meeting Byers; Jack went ahead as instructed to assess labor situation. In addition, the most important deal was to meet Bye and the prospective subcontractor, Elnicky and give him quotation that indicated the reduction of the initial bid and possibly got the job started. Frank had given Jack quotation prepared by Sullivan, although he had not seen the initial contract for the job. This was certainly the greatest error that happened ahead of the unfolding legal debate. On 22nd January, Jack made the first visit to the Midwest office. During the hearing, he noted that it was the first time he was encountering Jack, and he had identified himself as part of Sullivan team. In what remains a legal argument, Jack allegedly had claimed he had "a piece of it" implying he suggested that he was among the owners of Sullivan. Although Jack denied vehemently, Elnicky admits that he did not bother to ask the official position of Jack within the Sullivan neither did he request for a formal written document (Crawford 2012 p.59). Besides, what caused legal controversy is the fact that he testified that Jack had no objection when he suggested that he wanted to take over the entire job from Sullivan. Besides, he agreed to get a copy of the prime contract to the Midwest in preparation for a takeover. On 23rd Tuesday, a historic event happened when Jack availed the prime contract copy from Sullivan and handed it over to him. On 24th January, Jack made a call informing Frank the ongoing discussion with Midwest, a decision that Frank disagreed since EMF wanted Sullivan in the job. Just before Jack left for